Hearts of Humanity

Written by Mark Pedersen

Written by Mark Pedersen

June 14, 2022

With all the intellect that has walked this rock, none has learned that law does not shape the hearts of humanity.
Cages and every form of punishment cannot drive out the evil that festers in the minds of the troubled.

In our fear and our disdain, we trade liberty for fascism, allowing only the corrupt to prosper.
Love is in fact, an action. Love is family. Love is community. Love is the sharing of knowledge that heals and prospers us all.

Terrible things have been perpetrated on the innocent. How we react, defines us as a people. Do we shake our fists in the air at a faceless evil or do we heal the afflicted, protect the weak and strengthen our resolve to grow beyond these events?

This is a choice we must make individually as well as corporately…but we must in fact make, less we condemn future generations to endure the senseless acts of the illiterate, the demented and the disenfranchised.

These three are a testament to the fact that real evil does not spring from third world countries but from our very midst. When we neglect that which sickens us as a people, we harbor the very thing that could spell our demise.
It is for that reason no amount of bullets or missiles or tanks will ever stop these senseless acts.

Only one thing. The very powerful act of unconditional love.

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