Personal Note

The Way Back From Pharma

The Way Back From Pharma

My interview with Joseph Blundell of Cliff Village, Missouri By Mark D. PedersenI first interviewed Joe at the Norml Drug Reform Conference on the University of Missouri Campus in Columbia, Missouri.  Joe drew National attention when he helped pass a medical Cannabis...

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Hearts of Humanity

Hearts of Humanity

With all the intellect that has walked this rock, none has learned that law does not shape the hearts of humanity.Cages and every form of punishment cannot drive out the evil that festers in the minds of the troubled. In our fear and our disdain, we trade liberty for...

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Cannabis and Law Enforcement

Cannabis and Law Enforcement

I've asked it before. What do you feel when you see the lights of a police cruiser in your rearview mirror? Does your pulse quicken? Does your chest tighten? Do you suddenly hit the brakes? Well, it would be one thing if you were speeding or doing something...

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a hopeful time

a hopeful time

A lot has happened since that magazine cover. History, apparently, has not played out exactly as we planned. It appears that the vernacular raced ahead of the law. Words like “legal”, have been stretched – practically to the point of breaking – as activists, “entrepreneurs” and profiteers raced to cash …

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