It’s a Brand New Year for Oklahoma. Cannabis change has certainly come, more so for Oklahomans than perhaps any other state.

It’s a Brand New Year for Oklahoma. Cannabis change has certainly come, more so for Oklahomans than perhaps any other state.
To REALLY make Cannabis legal would mean re-adopting personal freedoms that have long-sense been surrendered to the state…
Empathy moves us to take pity on those less fortunate, but to actually feel what those afflicted feel… well, that’s a different thing.
Prohibitionist law enforcement used ads like this to make home production of Cannabis oil, in all of its many forms, illegal in Colorado, but it had very little to do with safety, and everything to do with crippling caregiving across the state.
I would be shocked at anyone who could not see the glaring bigotry in all of this. This is Cognitive Dissidence in its purest form. It’s apparent that the authors, even when faced with almost a century of history, still are not convinced that Cannabis does not pose any harm …
If you’re a long-time Cannabis patient, chances are you have heard (many times) someone, most likely a physician, say “…medicine has NEVER been smoked!” …Quite often amid threats of COPD, emphysema or lung cancer. Well, as I would find out, that wasn’t quite true.
A lot has happened since that magazine cover. History, apparently, has not played out exactly as we planned. It appears that the vernacular raced ahead of the law. Words like “legal”, have been stretched – practically to the point of breaking – as activists, “entrepreneurs” and profiteers raced to cash …
For the better part of two years, we have existed within the fear of an uncertain and terrible future. Five felonies is not a slap on the wrist. The Jefferson County DA’s office was seeking to make an example of us. We were being portrayed as organized crime. These were …
The time has come for law in this nation to reflect the truth and no longer pander to bigotry, corruption and divisiveness. REAL education MUST be the forerunner to the drafting of ANY law, especially when it encompasses such a wide demographic as Cannabis. Liberty and truth must rein, but …
As strange as it might sound, unbelief, or perhaps more descriptively, “Cognitive dissidence”, is far more evident among the recreational Cannabis crowd than the public at large. What’s more, their self-imposed ignorance morphs into blatant apathy once they become involved with “the industry”. What they fail to, or in all …