To REALLY make Cannabis legal would mean re-adopting personal freedoms that have long-sense been surrendered to the state…

To REALLY make Cannabis legal would mean re-adopting personal freedoms that have long-sense been surrendered to the state…
I would be shocked at anyone who could not see the glaring bigotry in all of this. This is Cognitive Dissidence in its purest form. It’s apparent that the authors, even when faced with almost a century of history, still are not convinced that Cannabis does not pose any harm …
The time has come for law in this nation to reflect the truth and no longer pander to bigotry, corruption and divisiveness. REAL education MUST be the forerunner to the drafting of ANY law, especially when it encompasses such a wide demographic as Cannabis. Liberty and truth must rein, but …
As strange as it might sound, unbelief, or perhaps more descriptively, “Cognitive dissidence”, is far more evident among the recreational Cannabis crowd than the public at large. What’s more, their self-imposed ignorance morphs into blatant apathy once they become involved with “the industry”. What they fail to, or in all …
If you haven’t already abandoned your reading in disgust, I would be surprised. Where do I begin? This initiative is not just problematic, it’s an effrontery to all medical Cannabis patients – to every Missourian suffering from chronic or terminal illness. It seeks to create a privatized dispensary industry and …
For those who still find nothing troubling regarding Missouri’s medical “marijuana” initiative, Amendment No. 2, here are a few reasons for contemplation, taken from my recent critique,
I’ve never really understood why people would be so prone to settle for far less than what they need. I guess what frustrates me most is that so VERY FEW who would vote for an initiative like this have actually read it or understand the ramifications if it were to …
What about our children? What about the world that we’re leaving for them? You know, this is about far more than Cannabis. It’s about honesty and truth.
Without the means to accurately determine motor-function, or the lack there of through blood or urine tests, one would think the obvious resort would be to actually observe a crime, before considering a “stop, charge, fine or arrest”.
Completely removing Cannabis from a state’s CSL changes everything. Literally. And it would be the right thing to do. Once beyond the ignorance and propaganda that has revolved around Cannabis for almost a century, a new since of both freedom and responsibility will emerge. Cannabis will no longer be considered …