Cannabis News, Legislation, and Research
Skin Cancer and Cannabis a Patient’s Story
My Interview with Jack Quinn By Mark D....
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Ballot Initiatives: The Problem with the Ballot Title
…if the descriptions on the ballot are accidently or deliberately deceptive, what value is the election?
Missouri Lawmakers and their War On Democracy
The sharks have been circling round Missouri’s government. They appear to be closing in. One might think that REAL democracy is soon to be a thing of the past for our state, if not the nation, for that matter. Across our country, Republican lawmakers have...
Shouldn’t Missourians have a Choice?
I want what is best for ALL Missourians. That means giving ALL Missourians a choice; to be able to choose REAL legalization, or something less. Its only right. Then the majority of Missourians could expect a fair outcome. That’s the way our elections are supposed to function.
Biden’s Plan for Marijuana
. You need to be prepared for the colossal avalanche of bullshit that will be flowing threw social media and cable TV. Believe me, the profiteers will be banging this drum loudly here on out!
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What Missouri Says About “Cannabis Restoration”
To sum it all up, the State of Missouri realizes that truly legalizing Cannabis would have a positive impact on the state, across the board.
Cannabis Restoration 2022 – the filing
As of last week, my REAL legalization initiative, Cannabis Restoration 2022, my fifth initiative for Missouri, has been filed with the Missouri Secretary of State.
An Interview with “Joey’s Mom”, Mieko Hester Perez
The first day that we had placed Joey on the medical marijuana, within 30 minutes, our house was quiet, which is pretty unbelievable. Those were the earlier days where we immediately noticed the calming effect.
Missouri Cannabis Law 2021
But there are good things to report. It’s a mixed bag. Since Missourians have chosen the long and difficult road to Cannabis freedom, we must work with what we have been given.
Oklahoma Cannabis Reform 2021
It’s a Brand New Year for Oklahoma. Cannabis change has certainly come, more so for Oklahomans than perhaps any other state.
Decrim Vs. Legalize
To REALLY make Cannabis legal would mean re-adopting personal freedoms that have long-sense been surrendered to the state…
Invisible People
Empathy moves us to take pity on those less fortunate, but to actually feel what those afflicted feel… well, that’s a different thing.
In Cannabis, Don’t accept Anything at Face Value
Prohibitionist law enforcement used ads like this to make home production of Cannabis oil, in all of its many forms, illegal in Colorado, but it had very little to do with safety, and everything to do with crippling caregiving across the state.
The MORE Act
I would be shocked at anyone who could not see the glaring bigotry in all of this. This is Cognitive Dissidence in its purest form. It’s apparent that the authors, even when faced with almost a century of history, still are not convinced that Cannabis does not pose any harm …
Smoking Medicine
If you’re a long-time Cannabis patient, chances are you have heard (many times) someone, most likely a physician, say “…medicine has NEVER been smoked!” …Quite often amid threats of COPD, emphysema or lung cancer. Well, as I would find out, that wasn’t quite true.