Cannabis News, Legislation, and Research

The Way Back From Pharma
My interview with Joseph Blundell of Cliff...
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Changing How Our World Sees Cannabis
It became obvious to us all early on that REAL Cannabis reform would only come through sound education. It was not enough to just preach to the choir. The other 75% of the country needed to learn the truth. This meant stepping beyond ourselves.

Hearts of Humanity
With all the intellect that has walked this rock, none has learned that law does not shape the hearts of humanity.Cages and every form of punishment cannot drive out the evil that festers in the minds of the troubled. In our fear and our disdain, we trade liberty for...

In Cannabis Law, What’s in a Compromise?
When it comes to Cannabis law and “Compromise”, everyone wants a piece of the pie…

Industry Building for Dummies – Legal Missouri 2022
In critiquing bills and initiatives, it can be quite daunting trying to determine just exactly what it is that is motivating the author. Be assured – to date – I have yet to critique ANY policy – state or Federal – that had purely altruistic motivation. There is always a …
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a hopeful time
A lot has happened since that magazine cover. History, apparently, has not played out exactly as we planned. It appears that the vernacular raced ahead of the law. Words like “legal”, have been stretched – practically to the point of breaking – as activists, “entrepreneurs” and profiteers raced to cash …

Pedersen & Niehouse: Felony Case Resolution
For the better part of two years, we have existed within the fear of an uncertain and terrible future. Five felonies is not a slap on the wrist. The Jefferson County DA’s office was seeking to make an example of us. We were being portrayed as organized crime. These were …

Medical Cannabis in Oklahoma: State Question No. 796
The time has come for law in this nation to reflect the truth and no longer pander to bigotry, corruption and divisiveness. REAL education MUST be the forerunner to the drafting of ANY law, especially when it encompasses such a wide demographic as Cannabis. Liberty and truth must rein, but …

Oklahoma’s Cannabis Law: Question No. 788
As strange as it might sound, unbelief, or perhaps more descriptively, “Cognitive dissidence”, is far more evident among the recreational Cannabis crowd than the public at large. What’s more, their self-imposed ignorance morphs into blatant apathy once they become involved with “the industry”. What they fail to, or in all …

2018-041 Missouri’s Amendment 3
If you haven’t already abandoned your reading in disgust, I would be surprised. Where do I begin? This initiative is not just problematic, it’s an effrontery to all medical Cannabis patients – to every Missourian suffering from chronic or terminal illness. It seeks to create a privatized dispensary industry and …

Key Problems Regarding Amendment No. 2
For those who still find nothing troubling regarding Missouri’s medical “marijuana” initiative, Amendment No. 2, here are a few reasons for contemplation, taken from my recent critique,

Where I’ve been…
As Thanksgiving approached, other concerns began striving for importance. My good friend and mentor, Federal Legal Patient, George McMahon was in hospice. The thought of his passing without me seeing him one last time seemed more than I could bear. So many dear friends have passed. All too many, like …

Living the Dream
Sitting here on the porch of my apartment; if it’s clear and I look hard, I can see the mountains. They remind me where I am. I draw a joint from my cigarette case. Light it. I draw in that first comforting puff. As I exhale, I watch the smoke …

some truth about vaping
Compared to smoking, the odor is much more confined, usually to just a few feet from the “puffer”. And it dissipates quickly, as vapors do. Unlike a pipe or a joint, the majority of the Cannabis product never reaches combustion. Instead the liquid is flashed into a mist.

2018-051 New Approach’s Medical Cannabis Offering, Amendment No. 2
I’ve never really understood why people would be so prone to settle for far less than what they need. I guess what frustrates me most is that so VERY FEW who would vote for an initiative like this have actually read it or understand the ramifications if it were to …